What is a Planetarium?

A Planetarium is a special theatre to educate the audience about astronomy and show and simulate what can be seen in the night sky.

Why us?

Three Simple reasons:

Many planetariums use a pre-recorded show and for the students it’s like watching a documentary. Sometimes it gets boring. SUFI experts present the show for the audience.

The advantages of live-presenting show are:

The operator presents the show depending on the age of audience. For kindergarten and primary schools, the show becomes more fun and for older students it’s more about science.

We are not limited to one script. The presenter can change the script considering what topic the teachers or the students are more interested in.

The show will be more interactive. It’s a Q&A. The students feel more involved and can ask whatever comes to their mind.

The live show makes the students more excited about astronomy and it will be more likely that after the show they will peruse this wonderful science Many planetariums use a pre-recorded show and for the students it’s like watching a documentary. Sometimes it gets boring. SUFI experts present the show for the audience.

The systems that SUFI team use is updated, and their high quality are tested every week. High contrast and sharp picture make the show more lively and the audience forget that they are in a simulation.

Usually a fixed dome is built inside a museum or a science center But SUFI team also uses portable domes with a variety of sizes.

The advantages of using portable inflatable domes are:

No need to pay for transportation and facing traffic problems.

No need to worry about students’ safety outside of school.

You are not limited to take only 1 or 2 classes. All the students in the school can enjoy the show.

No need to close down the classes to visit planetarium. When SUFI planetarium is in your school it only takes 30 min to 1 hour of each students’ time.